
The domain name, accessible from the URL (referred to as the « Site ») is owned by DIWALI DIFFUSION SARL, registered in France (Siren: 451310056).


Publication Director: Alexia de Gigord
76, rue de la Pompe – 75116 Paris, France

Use of Diwali Diffusion’s Website

The information on the Site is provided as a general guide only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for specific information. We try to keep all the information on the Site as up-to-date as possible but errors may sometimes occur.
Under no circumstances shall Diwali Diffusion SARL or any of its affiliate companies be held responsible or liable to visitors to the Site for damage or impairment of any kind including, but not restricted to, any loss of profit or savings, nor minor or major damage of any other kind resulting from an inaccuracy in, or the non-exhaustive nature of, the information contained in the Site.

Intellectual Property and Copyrights

All elements of the Site including text, graphical objects and underlying technologies are the sole property of Diwali Diffusion SARL. The Site is protected by laws governing intellectual property rights, in Europe and internationally.
It is strictly forbidden to reproduce all or part, summarise, modify, alter or redistribute any content from the website without the prior authorisation of Diwali Diffusion SARL in any type of support including any article, title, application, software, logo, trademark, item of information, photo or illustration contained herein.
Violation of these imperative provisions shall expose the violator and any and all other liable persons to the full civil and criminal penalties provided for by law. All direct or hypertext links are strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of Diwali Diffusion SARL.


Web Design / Development: MANYFOLD
Hosting: OVH

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